Constitution of Sports Philatelists International (2018)
Background: In 1964 the original Constitution of Sports Philatelists International was drafted and passed by our founding members. Much had changed over a half century when, in 2015, the Board of Directors of SPI named a committee to take charge of reviewing and making recommendations for updating the constitution. The following document was unanimously approved by the SPI Board of Directors during their annual meeting in December 2017. During the society’s regular biennial election in 2018, the membership voted unanimously to adopt the revised SPI Constitution.
1.0 Name and Purpose
1.1 The name of this organization shall be Sports Philatelists International.
1.2 The purpose of Sports Philatelists International shall be:
1.2.1 to promote the collection and study of postage stamps and related philatelic material, as well as other collectibles such as coins, pins and memorabilia dealing with the Olympic Games, sports, and recreation.
1.2.2 to produce publications related to Olympic and sports collecting, including check-lists, handbooks, articles, as appropriate.
1.2.3 to support, insofar as possible, those organizations which sponsor and maintain sports throughout the world.
1.2.4 to foster international cooperation through mutual interests in Olympic and sports philately and related collectibles.
2.0 Membership
2.1 Membership in Sports Philatelists International is available to collectors throughout the world upon written application to the Secretary together with the payment of annual dues.
2.2 The membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors in consideration of the established and planned program of the organization. Membership dues will cover the one-year period beginning 1 September to 31 August. Individuals who join within the membership year will get access to the journal from the beginning of the membership year, regardless of the month in which they applied for membership. A member is in good standing who is not in default in the payment of dues and against whom no charges are outstanding. Any member who is ninety (90) days in arrears for annual dues shall be suspended from membership upon notification by the Secretary.
2.3 The privileges and responsibilities of membership shall be:
2.3.1 to help actively in achieving the purpose of Sports Philatelists International;
2.3.2 to give full support to the activities of the organization;
2.3.3 to vote in all elections; and,
2.3.4 if eligible and elected, to accept and hold office.
2.4 Any member found guilty by the Board of Directors of conduct unbecoming a member shall be suspended for a period of time determined by the Board of Directors or expelled from the organization.
2.4.1 Grounds for disciplinary action shall include, but need not be limited to, the following: Delinquency in payment of indebtedness to the organization for a period of ninety (90) days. Failure to answer official correspondence. Conduct generally unbecoming a member.
2.4.2 Charges of such conduct shall be definite and specific and preferred in writing by any of the following: The Secretary-Treasurer in the case of indebtedness to the organization exceeding ninety (90) days. Any Director of the organization. Any Officer of the organization. Any member, in good standing, of the organization.
2.4.3 A copy of such charges and notice of the time and place of a hearing shall be presented to the member against whom the charges are preferred, in person, by email, or by certified or registered mail, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed by the Board of Directors for the hearing.
2.4.4 Charges against a member shall be investigated in such a manner as the Board of Directors considers appropriate. The member against whom the charges have been preferred shall have the right to file correspondence and other documents in support of the member’s his defense either in person, by e-mail or standard mail.
2.5 A former member may make application for reinstatement. If a member is reinstated, at the discretion of the President, the member will be assigned their former membership number.
3.0 Officers and Directors
3.1 All officers and directors of SPI will serve without any remuneration.
3.2 The following officers shall be elected biennially: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held concurrently by the same person.
3.2.1 Directors shall be elected biennially at the same time as officers.
3.3 There shall be a Board of Directors, which shall consist of all elected officers and such additional directors as may be deemed necessary for the conduct of the activities of the organization. The Board of Directors shall prescribe the number of additional directors. The Board of Directors shall meet annually, either virtually or in person.
3.3.1 Each person on the Board shall have one vote on all Board business.
3.4 The President shall have general charge and supervision of the activities of the organization, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The President may appoint such committees as may be necessary to carry on the regular or special business of the organization.
3.5 The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to serve.
3.6 The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the organization, shall conduct correspondence as necessary and as required by the Board of Directors shall notify members of suspension of membership privileges as appropriate.
3.7 The Treasurer shall keep proper records for all receipts and disbursements, shall collect dues and fees, shall notify the Secretary and Membership Chair of dues paid, and shall prepare a condensed annual report of finances of the organization for submission to the Board of Directors and the general membership.
3.7.1 The Treasurer shall annually prepare a budget for the coming fiscal year, which runs from September 1 through August 31 of the following year, showing the estimated receipts and estimated expenditures. The budget shall be balanced. Except where expressly authorized by the President or the Board of Directors, all expenditures of the Society shall be limited to the amounts outlined by the budget. The Treasurer may pay such amounts as required in the ordinary operation of the Society.
3.8 A Membership chair, appointed by the President, shall receive all applications for membership, shall keep a record of all members, shall be responsible for preparing the annual dues statements mailed to members, submit names and addresses of new members to the Editor and Circulation Manager, shall compile a directory of membership upon request of the Board of Directors, and prepare a condensed annual report of membership for submission to the Board of Directors and the general membership.
3.8.1 If the Membership Chair is a not an elected Director, he or she will be a non-voting ex officio member of the Board of Directors.
3.9 The Board of Directors shall be the general administrative body of the organization, controlling its policies and activities in all their details. It may conduct its business either in a session convened by the President or by teleconference mail. A majority of the officers and voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of any business. In the case of a tie vote by the Board of Directors and officers, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
3.10 Officers, committees, and members of the Board of Directors shall be reimbursed for authorized expenses when conducting official business of the Society. Authorized expenses shall be determined by the Treasurer and approved by the President.
4.0 Elections and Meetings
4.1 The officers and members of the Board of Directors shall be elected biennially by ballot. A majority of the ballots cast shall be required for election to office.
4.2 A Nominating Chairman, appointed by the President, shall present a slate of candidates at least thirty (30) days in advance of any election. Additional nominations may be submitted over the signature of any ten members in good standing.
4.3 A ballot shall be provided by the Secretary for each member of the organization. Ballots may be in the form of electronic ballots or paper mail-in ballots. All ballots submitted shall be signed by the voting member (either by hand or electronically). Only ballots received by the deadline, which shall not be less than 45 days from the date of mailing of the ballots, shall be counted. The elected officers and directors shall assume office on September first and shall serve until their successors are duly elected or appointed.
4.4 Vacancies in office shall be filled:
4.4.1 in the office of President by the succession thereto of the Vice-President; and,
4.4.2 in the other offices by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
4.5 The organization shall hold meetings at such places as selected by the Board of Directors, and announced by notification to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance.
4.5.1 A quorum of 15% of the total paid membership must be in attendance at a meeting of the organization for any votes to be taken. If the quorum is met, votes will be decided by a majority of votes cast.
5.0 Official Publications
5.1 The official publication of Sports Philatelists International shall be called the Journal of Sports Philately and shall be published by the Editor and Publisher, appointed by the President and acting under the supervision of the Board of Directors.
5.2 Any handbook or other publication prepared by the organization and offered for sale under its sponsorship shall be interpreted to be an official publication of Sports Philatelists International.
5.3 The Board of Directors shall have full authority in respect to the organization’s publications.
5.4 Members may elect to subscribe to the journal in digital form with a reduced rate.
6.0 Affiliated Organizations and Study Groups
6.1 The Board of Directors shall encourage the formation of affiliated organizations and study groups under such rules and conditions as the Board of Directors shall determine.
6.2 Normally a minimum of five (5) members of the affiliated organization shall also be members of Sports Philatelists International. This membership requirement may be waived by the Board of Directors if deemed appropriate.
7.0 Amendments
7.1 Proposals for amendments to these Articles may be made:
7.1.1 by the unanimous vote of the elected officers;
7.1.2 by a majority of the Board of Directors; or,
7.1.3 by a written petition signed by a least ten (10) members of the organization in good standing.
7.2 All such proposals shall be submitted promptly to the Secretary and sent by him to all members at least thirty (30) days prior to the specified date closing the ballot.
7.3 All ballots shall be signed by the voting member (either by hand or electronically). A majority of the members voting shall be required for the adoption of any amendment.
8.0 Disbandment
8.1 In the event of disbandment of the organization, the following nonprofit organizations shall become equal beneficiaries of the assets of the organization:
8.1.1 American Philatelic Research Library – a reserved fund for acquiring Sports and Olympic Philatelic Literature.
8.1.2 AICO (The International Association of Olympic Collectors) – a reserved fund for acquiring Sports and Olympic Philatelic Literature.