What’s Your Favorite “First Sports Stamp”?
An example of the “First Sports Stamp” for ice hockey (1948 Switzerland) used on cover.
Nearly all of us have a favorite sport. After all, that’s why we’re sports and Olympic stamp collectors! What could be more natural, then, to talk — or better yet WRITE — about our favorite sport’s first stamp. That’s why we started this new feature in the pages of the Journal of Sports Philately.
Writing about a “first stamp” can be as basic as showing the stamp and discussing the details of its issuance and what it depicts. Perhaps you have an unusual usage of the stamp to pay an odd rate. Or maybe you own a cover/postcard addressed to some far-off destination. Better still, your stamp may tell an usual story about the sport.
In short, write about what makes that stamp exciting to you. The only requirements: the article must feature the first stamp for the selected sport, and it must fit on one page, including illustrations – typically 350-500 words is just about right. Don’t worry about lay out, editing, etc. … we’ll take care of all that. Just submit your article via email to the editor, Mark Maestrone, along with scans of the item(s) for illustration which should be in color at 300 dpi.
Want to see a good example? Take a look at Peter Laimins article on the first ice hockey stamp.