Winter 2020 JSP Online
With a salute to the veterans of World War II on the 75th anniversary of VE Day, the cover story for the Winter 2020 issue of JSP focuses on “V-Mail With a Sports Theme.” No fewer than six co-authors, with Norman Rushefsky in the lead, contributed images and text on a dozen different sports.
Mark Maestrone discusses the debut of Olympic skateboarding, one of three new youth-oriented sports to be featured at the postponed Tokyo 2020 Games.
Andrew Urushima reviews some interesting correspondence between a French Olympic philatelist – a soldier in WWII – the 1940 Helsinki Olympic Organizing Committee, and IOC President Edström in “Two Olympiads, A World War, One Collector.”
Laurie Anderson writes about the life of “One of America’s Finest” tennis players, Helen Hull Jacobs.
Thanks to the International Society of Japanese Philately, we are pleased be able to reprint a recent article from their fine journal on the sport of Sumo wrestling as portrayed on a series of 20 stamps issued by Japan in 2020.
Pat Loehr takes on a trip to quiet little Catawba Island’s Lake View Summer Resort, to find out if a golf course was indeed available to early 20th century vacationers.
Wrapping up this issue is a rarely seen Wimbledon postmark from the final day of play in the 1963 tournament, as presented by Ron Backhouse.